Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Codes and Conventions of a Website.

1. The logo should be at the top left hand side of the page. This would be the artist logo in this case, it is also sometimes referred to as site ID, it should be placed in the top left corner of the site. This is the first place the audience will look to identify what site they are on. People normally use the 'Z' rule, where they read from left to right. 

2. The logo should link back to the homepage. The point is very important on information heavy websites or if the link to the homepage is not clear and easily visible. By clicking on the logo, visitors should expect to go back to your website home page.

3. Links are underlined and in a different colour than the text. Do not rely on colour to differentiate links from 'normal' text because around 10% of the population suffers from colour blindness. Links are usually underlined and blue, but it is a common practice to match the colour to the branding of the site.
- Do not use underlined text for non-links as visitors expect all underlined text to be a link.
- Headings are sometimes underlined, but the line is usually not continuous or in a different colour.
- Many main navigation links arent underlined because they possess other features that make them easily recognisable.

4. The navigation stands out and is consistent throughout the site. Consistent navigation means that is is always at the same place, preferably above the fold, at the top or on the side. It behaves the same way throughout the website and can easily be identified. The page/section the visitor browses is usually differentiated from the others to let them know what they are.

5. If something looks like a button, it should act like on. Form buttons should submit or clear the form, navigation buttons should take your visitors to a new page.

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