Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Actor and Film Location.

For my music video, I have chosen to do the song Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus, this video has caused quite a shock in the media recently, and i'd like to put my own twist on it. For the role of my main artist, I will be using a female, Jess Nemeth, I also plan to film this video inside and outside, as I am still unsure, I will be experimenting, to see what fits in.. My story line will be a woman, who has been emotionally wrecked, so it will be a narrative video, with some performance features. I will be telling the story of how she is broken, but she will also be lip syncing with great emphasis on how upset she is. To make my video look authentic the lip syncing needs to look realistic and in time to the music.

I think that I will have to use a variety of different outfits for my artist...
1. All black outfit, this is to connote that my artist is in a dark place in her life, and that she is really upset.
2. All white outfit, this is to show that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and there is love after heart break.
3. Evening dress, this is to promote my artist.

This page was a draft that I had forgotten to post!

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